General Participant & Vehicle Requirements


Below are the general requirements for all drivers, passengers and vehicles participating in D1WA events. These have been based on both local and international standards, for further details please contact the D1WA team.


Each driver/passenger or competing crewmember shall continue to comply with the requirement below until they exit their automobile and are clear of the competition/ track area. Apparel shall be worn as the manufacturer intended.


Clothing providing full coverage from ankles to neck and to wrists is required. Non-flammable clothing is the minimum requirement for practice and open days at D1WA events. Clothing of flammable synthetic material, such as nylon, is not acceptable. (i.e. jeans and a D1WA long sleeve shirt is perfect of open/ practice or private days).

For all D1WA competitions, Single or two-piece suits to SFI 3.2A Grade 1 (min.)/ SFI 3.4.

Passenger rides are only permitted during practice. All Passengers will be required to have clothing providing full coverage from ankles to neck and to wrists.

Shoes must be fully closed and to be a leather upper, these can include elasticised ankle regions (e.g., elastic-sided work boots, suede skate/ sports shoes etc. are acceptable). Race boots are not mandatory though are recommended.

Gloves, balaclavas and flame-retardant underwear is not mandatory for drift though are recommended.


1.2.6 Badges & Embroidery, the attachment of badges and use of embroidery on competitor’s overalls can have a detrimental effect on the protection afforded by the garment. Where this is done please refer to standard for that covers the apparel and or manufacturer’s requirements.


Each helmet should be chosen to fit the user’s head and the intended use. Each helmet tends to mould to the shape of the user’s head over time and should not be repeatedly shared. Helmets must not be modified, except in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. Painting of helmets, particularly those with a polycarbonate shell, may weaken the structure, as may the application of non-approved stickers. If air vents or communication equipment are required, consideration should be given to purchasing a helmet to meet those requirements. The use of speakers mounted in helmets, other than those supplied by the helmet manufacturer, is prohibited. Helmets must extend to cover the complete ear. “Skull Cap” style helmets must not be used

A helmet to one or more of the following standards:

  • Australian or NZ standard AS/NZS1698
  • European ECE 022 with 04 or 05 amendments
  • Any Level T2 or T3 helmet

An Open Face helmet to one or more of the following standards:

  • Snell SA2005 (Become T1 as of 01/19), Snell SA2010, Snell SA2010H, Snell SA2015
  • British Standard BS6658 A/FR
  • SFI 31.1

A Closed Face helmet to one or more of the following standards:

  • Snell SA2005 (Becomes T1 as of 01/19), Snell SA2010, Snell SA2010H, Snell SA2015
  • British Standard BS6658 A/FR
  • SFI 31.1
  • SFI 24.1 Youth Helmet (for competitors generally under 16 years of age)




Whilst not mandatory as with other motorsports many prefer to use frontal head restraints, note the drilling of holes in helmets for the fitment of FHR tether posts shall be undertaken only by the manufacturer of the helmet or an approved manufacturer’s agent. Tether posts may be fitted to helmets that are pre-drilled in accordance with the FHR manufacturer’s instructions.   

  1. Eye protection Each occupant of an automobile not fitted with a full windscreen must use eye protection. This may be incorporated into the helmet in the form of a visor fitted by the helmet manufacturer. This visor comply with AS1609 or equivalent, and shall cover the complete eye opening of a full-face helmet, or extend to the level of the chin in an open face helmet. Alternatively, each occupant may choose to use close fitting goggles with non-glass lenses to AS/NZS 1377 or similar. The goggles shall be securely held in place by an elastic strap. Open face helmets provide limited protection against head strikes by larger objects. It is strongly recommended that a full-face helmet with a shield provided by the manufacturer of the helmet be utilised in all open automobiles.

It is recommended, that hearing protection devices (e.g., ear plugs) be worn always when exposed to elevated levels of noise.


  1. 2.1.1  Any glass HEAD lights are to be covered (transparent plastic, tape or vinyl wrap etc.). For night events a minimum of one head light must be functional on low beam.
  2. 2.1.2  Any glass TAIL lights are to be covered (clear plastic, tape or vinyl wrap etc.). A minimum of one working brake light is required and for night events a minimum of one working tail light is required.
  3. 2.1.3  Any vehicle competing in competition events/rounds must have a rear-facing brake light
  4. 2.1.4  All brake lights are to be hard wired. The use of delay timers/switches can result in immediate disqualification.

The bonnet must have at least two fastening devises which hold the bonnet closed. I.e. in a factory vehicle you have the latch and safety. Where there are no safety catch bonnet pins or similar must be used and are highly recommended for all vehicles.

  1. 2.3  ENGINE BAY

All components are to be free of leaks (Engine, gearbox, coolers, power steering, brakes, clutch etc.).
Throttle must have dual return spring/ mechanism (note; shaft mounted spring and Fly by Wire set ups are acceptable) No loose components (air flow meters/ filters, piping, hoses etc.). All hoses used in the engine bay must be used for the correct application (not using coolant hose for oil breathers)

3 3.4 Brakes:

  1. a)  All four-wheel brakes must be operational from the foot brake pedal. Master reservoir must have the front and rear separation.
  2. b)  Hydraulic handbrakes can be used, and a brake reservoir can be attached preferably located outside of the cabin if located inside the cabin must be appropriately guarded and away from the driver.
    c) Dual calliper systems are permitted on the rear brakes only




  1. 2.4.1  Where an externally vented catch can (crank case breather) is fitted it must be a minimum of 2 litres capacity for engines up to 2000cc or 3 litres for over 2000cc. All measurements taken from below the first external outlet port.
  2. 2.4.2  Catch can be to be made of either stainless steel or aluminium.
  3. 2.4.3  The catch can is to be completely sealed (no holes drilled), except for intake hoses from engine, oil drain return hose to engine, outlet hose to air intake duct (if fitted) and the air filter (required if vented to atmosphere). If an air filter is fitted it must be fitted near the highest point of the catch can.


  1. 2.5.1  Exhaust to be secure and not hitting or close to moving components.
  2. 2.5.2  If the exhaust is rear mounted/directed, it’s outlets must be between 100mm and 450mm above the ground and must extend to the rear body work of the vehicle but not protrude more than 120mm past the body work.
  3. 2.5.3  For side mounted/directed exhaust the outlet must be located after the midpoint of the wheel base and must extend to the outer body work but not extend more than 50mm past the body work.
  4. 2.5.4  The noise limits must not exceed 95DB when measured 30m from the track edge.
  5. 2.5.5  Turbocharger wastegates may protrude out the bonnet no more than 30mm and out the side guard by no more than 50mm.


  1. a)  Each battery must be securely retained using steel clamps, with reinforcements to the panel required for all non-factory locations.
  2. b)  If a wet style battery is fitted within the passenger compartment, it must be in a box with a lid held down by latch or strap and vented outside the cabin to the atmosphere.
  3. c)  Wet style batteries located in the boot of a car must have a metal bulkhead/ firewall separating the battery from the occupants if a battery box is not fitted.
  4. d)  If the battery is located inside the cabin or in a boot that contains a fuel system, terminals must be insulated.
  5. e)  Dry cell batteries inside the cabin must have insulated terminals if not installed in a battery box.
  6. f)  A blue battery location triangle on the external of the vehicle adjacent to the battery is recommended.



  1. a)  Any radial type tyre suitable for drifting.
  2. b)  No wheel weights on rear wheels.
  3. c)  The promoter is free to adopt restriction tyre sizes provided it is within the supplementary regulations.
  4. d)  Tyres must be stamped with a treadwear rating and be commercially available within Australia or New Zealand.
  5. f)  All Collie Main Track events have a rear tyre rule, street tyres only on the rear at this track.

All suspension and steering components are to be secure and in good condition, no leaks, loose components or excessive free play. A maximum of one wheel spacer per wheel

  1. 2.9.1  A tow point is to be fitted forward of the front axle and rearwards of the rear axle. These are to have a 40mm ID and can tow the vehicle on a sealed surface with the wheels locked. Solid tow points must not exceed 120mm past the bodywork.
  2. 2.9.2  Tow points are to be clearly marked by a 75x75mm red triangle. All tow points must be easily accessible with bumpers still firmly attached.
  1. 2.10  BODY WORK

Vehicles are to have a neat, tidy presentation and finished in a tradesman like fashion. All panels’ bumpers and bodywork shall be in place with no sharp or dangerous edges protruding from the vehicle. Cutting & re-joining of any strucutral member/s of the passenger capsule of the body is not acceptable. Any damage occurred during an event shall be inspected and deemed safe prior to the vehicle being allowed back on to the track/ competition area. This will be especially true of Pro sports category where vehicles are expected to be of a professional quality.

  1. 2.11.1  Each Vehicle must be equipped with a minimum of one 900g fire extinguisher that meets AS1841 (Not AS1841.2) per occupant.
  2. 2.11.2  Extinguishers shall be in date and tagged in accordance with AS1841.
  3. 2.11.3  Installing a 900gram or larger extinguisher per occupant is REQUIRED where passengers are being taken (the extinguisher is there for your safe exit of the vehicle).
  4. 2.11.4  Extinguishers must be solidly mounted to the body of the vehicle with a minimum of two M5 bolts.
  5. 2.11.5  The extinguisher must be mounted in a position where the occupant can remove their extinguisher while seated with belts/harness fitted without the aids of tools or devices. Each occupant must be able to reach their own extinguisher.
  6. 2.11.6  The extinguisher mounting bracket is to be of metal construction with a quick release latch.
  7. 2.11.7  The fitment of an “on-board” extinguishing system homologated by the FIA shall be an acceptable alternative to the fitment of a separate extinguisher.


The Drivers compartment shall be fitted with protection between engine, wheels and fuel systems (surge tanks, fuel cells, nos/ gas bottles etc.) via a bulk head/ “fire wall” to prevent entry of foreign matter into the driving compartment (stop the passage of flame, liquids etc.). All redundant holes are to be blocked (alloy tape is an easy option).



  1. 2.13.1  Where seats are not mounted to factory chassis mounting points, seat rails/brackets must be mounted to the vehicle floor pan via bolts of M8 grade 8.8 or higher reinforced by a plate not less than 75mmx50mmx3mm.
  2. 2.13.2  Where the vehicle has a D1WA approved cage, a fixed back bucket seat must be fitted for both occupants. The seat must meet ADR, FIA 8855-1999, 8862-2009 or higher, SFI standard 39.1/39.2, or the equivalent standard.

3.12 Seat Belts/Harness Systems:

  1. a)  All cars require a factory seat belt or an approved harness system for the driver and passenger.
  2. b)  Safety harnesses or seat belts must be complete units sourced from a recognized manufacturer. It is not permitted to mix parts of seat belts/harnesses of different types or manufacturers.
  3. c)  Safety harnesses or seat belts and must be fitted and worn in accordance with any manufacturer’s instructions or limitations and in conjunction with the AASA Appendix 5- Occupant Restraint Systems
  1. d)  A quick release type approved safety belt and shoulder harness of not less than 40 mm in width is compulsory if a harness is used.
  2. e)  Where the belts pass through the seat sides, the holes must have a grommet installed, be rolled and/or padded to prevent cutting of the belt.
  3. f)  Shoulder Harness systems must be mounted/secured within 40 degrees of horizontal.
  4. g)  No tears, fraying or damage to belt webbing.
  5. h)  All seatbelt points must be mounted and fitted using the correct fixtures and fittings.
  6. i)  The harness bar must be welded or bolted to the existing roll cage structure or chassis, if welded to the chassis it shall have a 3mm thick foot plate at each end measuring not less than 56.25mm2 each. If bolted to the chassis, backing plates must be used and of the same thickness and surface area as the foot plates. A minimum of two M12 or 7/16th UNF high tensile bolts at each end foot plate must be used.
  7. j)  Seat Belts have a finite life span. Please be aware of your seat belt condition or harness expiry date.
  8. k) All harnesses must meet either FIA standards 8853/98, 8853-2016, 8856/85 or SFI 16.1(2). FIA harnesses may be used up to 5 years past there use by date. SFI harnesses may only be used for 2 years past their manufacture date and must be recertified by the original manufacturer after this date.
  9. l) All harnesses must be fitted with a cam lock release system.
    Latchlink harnesses are not accepted.

3.13 Harness Mountings:

  1. a)  The safety harness or seat belt must be securely mounted. On cars derived from series production vehicles such mountings shall be positioned to bolt to factory seat belt positions or similar for lower belts, shoulder belts ideally on an angle not greater than 15 degrees below horizontal and not above horizontal. If the two shoulder straps join prior to a common mounting point, then that junction shall be at least 150mm behind the wearer’s neck. In all cases of mounting the following must be observed:
  2. b)  On series production cars, some or all of the original seat belt mounting points may be satisfactory. Where the original seat belts are affixed to the seat, such mounting points may be used only:
  3. c)  Where the original unmodified mounting points on the seat are retained
  4. d)  Where the original mounting points are not used, additional floor mounting points must be reinforced with a 3mm steel plate of at least 75mm x 50mm on the underside of the body.
  5. e)  Full harness rear mounting points must be to a substantial part of the vehicles structure.
  6. f)  Reinforced as for floor mounts above, or to the roll cage.
  7. g)  Under no circumstances may a safety harness mounting bolt be used to affix a roll cage to the body shell.
  8. h)  You cannot mount a harness to the parcel shelf.
  9. All harnesses must meet either FIA standards 8853/98, 8853-2016, 8856/85 or SFI 16.1(2). FIA harnesses may be used up to 5 years past there use by date. SFI harnesses may only be used for 2 years past their manufacture date and must be recertified by the original manufacturer after this date.
  10. Where the vehicle is fitted with a roll cage, a 5 or 6 point harness must be fitted for any occupants (up to 2 occupants per vehicle for D1WA Approved Roll Cages).
  11. All seat belts and safety harness shall be securely mounted at all points in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. (Race harnesses can only be fitted to race seats)


  1. 2.14.9  If the harness is attached to the safety cage or harness bar by means of a loop, it must be fitted as per diagram A2. The minimum length of harness material exiting the buckle must be 100mm.
  2. 2.14.10  HARNESS BAR
    • –  The harness bar mounting plates must be a minimum 75mm x 50mm x 3mm plate either welded or bolted to an integral part of the vehicle body. If bolted must use a minimum of two M8 grade 8.8 bolts with a reinforcement plate of same size or larger than the mounting plate. Either a lock nut or spring washer with standard nut must be used.
    • –  If the harness bar is an auxiliary member it must be attached to the roll cage structure as any other member of the roll cage. Refer – 2018 D1WA Roll Cage Requirements.
    • –  The harness bar must be either CDS or CDW unalloyed carbon steel. Dimensions must be 38 x 2.5mm or 40 x 2.0mm (1.5” x 0.095” or 1.6” x 0.083”).
  3. 2.14.11  A safety harness damaged in any way, including in a collision, shall be subject to inspection by a scrutineer. If appropriate, the vehicle log book will be noted with a requirement that the belt/harness be replaced, and the owner/ driver advised.
  4. 2.14.12  With the wide range of fake Harnesses on the market the scrutineer may ask for the proof of purchase or certification to accompany the harness. The FIA has circulated many documents throughout the scrutineering group on the best ways to identify a fake. As with helmets if in doubt don’t cheap out.




The steering wheel and steering column are to be securely mounted and not have any excessive free play. The steering

wheel shall not incorporate any wood.

  1. 2.16  PEDALS

Pedals are to have a non-slip surface and to be securely mounted and not have any excessive free play. I.e. if the brake pedal goes to the floor you will need to fix it.

  1. 2.17.1  The driver’s compartment shall not have any container which can hold more than 500mL of hot liquid (other than a series heater core i.e. factory fitted heater unit). This means, large accumulators, dry sump tanks, surge tanks and radiators are not to be mounted in the drivers/ passenger’s compartment in case of a leak or spray. Most people tend to shield such items with a sheet metal box/ enclosure or a secondary fire wall.
  2. 2.17.2  Any lines inside the cockpit carrying more than 500ml of hot liquid must also be enclosed. All lines coming through the cabin must have bulkhead fittings at the front and rear firewall. It is recommended that anti spray tape is fitted to all bulkhead fittings.


Roll cages are not required to enter a D1WA event, however a D1WA approved cage is highly recommended. D1WA approved Roll cages are to be constructed in accordance with the D1WA Roll Cage guidelines, please refer to this


DRIFT 1 WA 2018 GENERAL PARTICIPANT & VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS REV B document and consult the D1WA team with any questions. Non-Approved cages must be fitted as per manufacturer’s


  1. 2.19  CAMERA MOUNTS:

Cameras mounted to the internal or external of the vehicle must have a tether (tie wire, cable tie etc.) to ensure they do not impede the driver or other vehicle should they come loose. Per FIA requirements Cameras are not to be mounted on Helmets.


The firewall and trans tunnel area surrounding it can be modified to allow the fitment of larger gearboxes and/or to allow faster removal/installation. All trans tunnel and firewall modifications must be presented for approval to the D1WA scrutineering team.

3.10 Windscreens/Windows:

  1. a)  Front windscreen must be free from any cracks.
  2. b)  Front windscreen must be of factory strength or greater and cannot be polycarbonate.
  3. c)  Front windscreen must be free from stickers on the driver’s side (windscreen banners excepted).
  4. d)  Side windows can be removed and replaced with lightweight items.
  5. e)  Polycarbonate windows are permitted to be used except for the front windscreen, which must be the factory glass, windows must be installed and secured correctly



All utes must have a tray securely and correctly attached to the vehicle. The only accepted ute tray is a wellbody with no sharp or protruding edges which could be seen as a hazard to other drivers

If you have any queries on the above requirement’s, please contact the D1WA team –


For all vehicles we are recommending (but not yet enforcing) a roll cage to be fitted to your vehicle. This is a valuable piece of safety equipment that could prevent serious injury or death in the event of a collision or rollover. If you wish to compete or practice as a driver in a D1WA event, a cage is not yet required.

Any driver wishing to take passengers at D1WA high speed events, you are now required to have a D1WA log booked or Motorsport Australia Logbooked inspected roll cage fitted that meets or exceeds the requirements further outlined in this document!


  1. 1.1  Padding is required on any part of the cage where the helmet can come into contact. Further to this, padding is recomended where the body of an occupant could come into contact with the roll cage.
  2. 1.2  Padding is required to be flame retardant padding that meets specification FIA 8857-2001 or SFI 45.1
  3. 1.3  Where it can be demonstrated that the fitment of protective padding unduly hampers the drivers ability to operate the vehicle in a safe manner, the requirement for padding will be negated in the immediate area of concern at the discretion of the Event Organiser and/or Scrutineer.


  1. 2.1  The roll cage structure must be made from circular Cold Drawn Seamless (CDS) or Cold Drawn Welded (CDW) unalloyed carbon steel tube.
  2. 2.2  Minimum material tensile strength is to be no less than 3500N/mm2
  3. 2.3  Minimum dimensions
    • –  Main roll bar and Lateral bars 44.45mm x 2.5mm or 50mm x 2.0mm (1.75” x 0.095” or 2.0” x 0.083”)
    • –  Lateral half roll bars and any other part of the safety cage including harness bars and auxiliary bars 38mm x25mm or 40mm x 2.0mm (1.5” x 0.095” or 1.6” x 0.083”)


3.1 The basic structure must be made to one of the three following designs. As per diagram B1

– Consist of a main roll bar, 2 straight backstays, front transversal member, 2 lateral half roll bars with only 1 vertical bend.

– Consists of a main roll bar with, 2 straight backstays, 2 longitudinal members, front
– Main hoop to contain a X within the structure where the diagonal bar behind the driver is of single member design with no joins.


roll bar with only 1 vertical bend each side.

– Consists of 2 lateral roll bars with 1 vertical bend, 2 transversal members, 2 straight Backstays.

  1. 3.2  In addition to one of the above basic structures, a D1WA approved roll cage must also have double side intrusion on both the driver and passenger side of the vehicle (see side intrusion) as well as crossbars between the main hoop (see crossbars).
  2. 3.3  All bends must be made using a cold bend process and must be smooth and even with no cracks, ripples or crushing evident.
  3. 3.4  The roll cage structure shall be entirely contained longitudinally between the centrelines of the front and rear axles. If the roll cage structure is joined to a wheel arch or strut tower that has other members attached to it, they will also be deemed to be part of the roll cage structure.
  4. 3.5  Any tube forming part of the safety cage structure shall not carry fluids or any other materials.
  5. 3.6  The safety cage structure shall not unduly impede the entry or exit of the driver or passenger.
  6. 3.7  The vertical parts of the main roll bar must be as close as possible to the interior contour of the body shell and may only have one bend in each vertical leg.
  7. 3.8  Each backstay shall be attached to the main or lateral roll bar as near as possible to the roofline and as near as possible to the top outer bend on each side of the vehicle.
  8. 3.9  Each backstay must be straight and as close as possible to the interior side panels of the body shell.
  9. 3.10  Each backstay must form an angle between 30° and 60° with the vertical of the main roll bar.
  10. 3.11  The top of the main roll bar tubing shall be a minimum of 50mm above the top of the occupant’s helmet. As per diagram B2.
  11. 3.12  In frontal projection, no additional member or reinforcement of the front roll bar (including the front legs), shall be visible beyond the shaded area of the windscreen, as per diagram B3.


  1. 4.1  The minimum requirements for a D1WA approved roll cage require that there be two cross bars fitted to the structure. These crossbars must be fitted between the main roll bar. As per diagram B4.
  2. 4.2  One cross bar must extend from the driver’s side head area to the passenger floor area, and another must extend from the passenger side head area to the driver’s side floor area.
  3. 4.3  One of the crossbars must be a single piece and straight. Cross bar must remain one piece between driver’s head to passenger floor within the main roll bar.
  4. 4.4  The lower end of each diagonal member shall join the main roll bar or backstays no further than 100mm from the mounting foot.
  5. 4.5  The upper end of each diagonal member shall join the main roll bar or backstay no further than 100mm from its junction with the main roll bar or backstay.
  6. 4.6  A crossbar joined at one end of the main hoop must finish joined at the main hoop. A crossbar joined at one end of the back stay must finish joined at the backstay.

7. 4.7  In addition to the minimum requirements already stated, the combination of diagonal members and support bars is recommended, but not required.

8. 4.8  Where a cross section is not applicable – it is highly recommended to future proof your vehicle for changing regulations


  1. 5.1  The minimum requirements for a D1WA approved roll cage require that both the drivers and passengers side of the roll cage structure has two side intrusion bars each. This may be done in either a “X” style side intrusion, where both members intersect at the midpoint to create an “X” shape (refer diagram B5), or in a ladder style side intrusion, where both members do not intersect but are joined by vertical members.
  2. 5.2  The side intrusion bars shall be as high as possible, subject to its upper attachment point not being higher than half the height of the door opening measured from the door opening base.
  3. 5.3  For side intrusion bars in the form of an “X”, it is recommended (but not required) that the “X” be formed by two continuous bars which are joined in the centre. In the case that the “X” is not two continuous bars, one bar must be a single piece and straight. It is recommended that where the bars intersect that it is reinforced by two gussets. Refer diagram B5.
  4. 5.4  For side intrusion bars in a ladder style, it is required that the two bars be joined by a minimum of two vertical tube sections to connect the two intrusion bars together.
  5. 5.5  The side intrusion bars may also be bent out into the door cavity and back to the main pillar to allow for easier access and additional room for the occupant.
  6. 5.6  In side projection, any reinforcements in the door aperture shall comply with the following criteria. Refer diagram B5:
    • –  Dimension 1 shall be a minimum of 300mm
    • –  Dimension 2 shall be a maximum of 250mm
    • –  Dimension 3 shall be a maximum of 300mm
    • –  Dimension 4 shall be not more than half the height of the door aperture (5)


  1. 6.1  Welded transversal members fitted to the main roll bar or between the back stays may be used to mount the safety harness, provided the members facilitate installation that complies with the manufacturer’s harness mounting requirements.
  2. 6.2  Where a bush is inserted in the member (which may be threaded), it shall be welded around its entire perimeter at each point it exits the member. As per diagram B7
  3. 6.3  The harness shall be mounted using bolts of M12 grade 8.8 or 7/16 UNF or to manufacturers specification.
  4. 6.4  A harness mounting transverse member shall not impede the cross-bar requirements as outlined in Section 4.
  5. 6.5  A 5/6 Point mounted harness must be fitted in conjunction with the Roll-Cage to meet current D1WA Passenger Approval guidelines.
  6. 6.6  Where the vehicle falls under the convertible regulations, a 5/6 Point harness must be fitted for the driver.

Any extra bracing used is acceptable if it is done so in a manner to increase safety and will not cause further harm to occupants in the instance of an accident.

  1. 8  WELDING

8.1 Welding shall be carried out along the whole perimeter of each tube joint and shall be of the highest possible quality with full penetration, preferably using a gas shielded arc.

8.2 Although good external appearance of a weld does not necessarily guarantee its quality, a weld of poor appearance may indicate that it is unsatisfactory. If a weld appears unsatisfactory it is at the discretion of the Scrutineer as to whether the weld is redone and/or the cage does not meet requirements for approval.


  1. 9.1  The use of removable will be approved subject to the materials meeting the specifications listed above.
  2. 9.2  All removable members must use joints that meet or exceed the designs and specs as shown as diagrams B6-X. Drawings B6-7, B6-8, B6-9, B6-10, B6-11, shall only be used for attaching optional members and optional reinforcements. They are not permitted for joining the upper parts of the main roll bar, the front roll bar, the lateral half bars or the lateral roll bars.
  3. 9.3  There shall be no more than four removable connections in the basic structure at the roof level. Any removable connection fitted to the top of a backstay is not considered to be at roof level.
  4. 9.4  All fasteners used shall be a minimum of M8 grade 8.8 and shall use a self-locking nut or a standard nut with spring washer.

8.2 Although good external appearance of a weld does not necessarily guarantee its quality, a weld of poor appearance may indicate that it is unsatisfactory. If a weld appears unsatisfactory it is at the discretion of the Scrutineer as to whether the weld is redone and/or the cage does not meet requirements for approval.


  1. 9.1  The use of removable will be approved subject to the materials meeting the specifications listed above.
  2. 9.2  All removable members must use joints that meet or exceed the designs and specs as shown as diagrams B6-X. Drawings B6-7, B6-8, B6-9, B6-10, B6-11, shall only be used for attaching optional members and optional reinforcements. They are not permitted for joining the upper parts of the main roll bar, the front roll bar, the lateral half bars or the lateral roll bars.
  3. 9.3  There shall be no more than four removable connections in the basic structure at the roof level. Any removable connection fitted to the top of a backstay is not considered to be at roof level.
  4. 9.4  All fasteners used shall be a minimum of M8 grade 8.8 and shall use a self-locking nut or a standard nut with spring washer.


  1. 10.1.1  The minimum mounting points are;
    • –  One for each pillar of the front roll bar,
    • –  One for each pillar of the lateral roll bars or half lateral roll bars,
    • –  One for each pillar of the main roll bar,
    • –  One for each backstay.
  2. 10.1.2  All mounting points must be made to the floor pan and/or wheel arches. Mounting to the side skins of the vehicle is Strictly prohibited as this does not take into account compression and sheer of the structure.


  1. 10.2.1  Each mounting point for the main roll bar, lateral roll bar and half lateral roll bar shall consist of a minimum of 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 100cm2 and atleast one dimension of 75mm.
  2. 10.2.2  Each mounting points for the back stays shall consist of a minimum 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 75cm2 and atleast one dimension of 65mm.
  3. 10.2.3  Each plate shall be a single piece and fully welded on all edges, as per diagram B8. Welds must comply with section 8.


  1. 10.3.1  As an alternative to welding reinforcement plates to the chassis of the vehicle, mounting point of the roll cage structure may be fitted with a mounting foot bolted through the floor to a lower plate. The lower plate may either be welded to the vehicle body or a single piece. As per diagram B9. The lower plate must be of the same size or larger than the mounting plate.
  2. 10.3.2  Each mounting point for the main roll bar, lateral roll bar and half lateral roll bar shall consist of a minimum of 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 100cm2 and atleast one dimension of 75mm.
  3. 10.3.3  Each mounting points for the back stays shall consist of a minimum 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 60cm2 and atleast one dimension of 55mm.
  4. 10.3.4  All fasteners must be a minimum M8 grade 8.8 with either a self-locking nut or standard nut with spring washer.
  5. 10.3.5  Each main roll bar, lateral roll bar or half lateral roll bar mounting plates must have a minimum of three fasteners, with an angle between each bolt at no less than 60° apart, measured at the tube axis at the level of the mounting foot circumference. Refer diagram B9.
  6. 10.3.6  Each mounting plates for the backstays must have a minimum of two fasteners. If two fasteners are used, then the angle between each bolt shall be no less than 180° apart. If three fasteners are used then the angle between each bolt shall be no less than 60° apart, measured at the tube axis at the level of the mounting foot circumference.


  1. 11.1.1  Where any member of the cage crosses (Main hoop, Side Intrusion, Roof etc) a gusset is required to be fitted
  2. 11.1.2  A reinforcement made of sheet metal no less than 1mm thick formed in a U-Shape (Taco) and welded to any bend or

junction. The Dimension shall be between 2-4 times the diameter of the larger tubes which it joins.

  1. CLASS 1 CAGECage material must come in accordance with D1WA GuidelinesThe roll cage structure must be made from circular Cold Drawn Seamless (CDS) or Cold Drawn Welded (CDW) unalloyed carbon steel tubeMinimum material tensile strength is to be no less than 3500N/mm2Minimum dimensions – Main roll bar 44.45mm x 2.5mm or 50mm x 2.0mm (1.75” x 0.095” or 2.0” x 0.083”) Any other part of the safety cage including harness bars and auxiliary bars 38mm x25mm or 40mm x 2.0mm (1.5” x 0.095” or 1.6” x 0.083”)All bends must be made using a cold bend process and must be smooth and even with no cracks, ripples or crushing evidentIf the roll cage structure is joined to a wheel arch or strut tower that has other members attached to it, they will also be deemed to be part of the roll cage structureAny tube forming part of the safety cage structure shall not carry fluids or any other materials The safety cage structure shall not unduly impede the entry or exit of the driver or passengerThe vertical parts of the main roll bar must be as close as possible to the interior contour of the body shell and may only have one bend in each vertical legEach backstay shall be attached to the main roll bar as near as possible to the roofline and as near as possible to the top outer bend on each side of the vehicle

    Each backstay must be straight and as close as possible to the interior side panels of the body shell where applicable

    Each backstay must form an angle between 30° and 60° with the vertical of the main roll bar
    The top of the main roll bar tubing shall be a minimum of 50mm above the top of the occupant’s helmet.

    A single cross bar must be fitted either; between the Main Roll bar diagonally through the cross, or diagonally fitted through the backstays

    The lower end of each diagonal member shall join the main roll bar or backstays no further than 100mm from the mounting foot

    The upper end of each diagonal member shall join the main roll bar or backstay no further than 100mm from its junction with the main roll bar or backstay

    A crossbar joined at one end of the main hoop must finish joined at the main hoop. A crossbar joined at one end of the back stay must finish joined at the backstay

    Welded transversal members fitted to the main roll bar or between the back stays may be used to mount the safety harness, provided the members facilitate installation that complies with the manufacturer’s harness mounting requirements.


    Where a bush is inserted in the member (which may be threaded), it shall be welded around its entire perimeter at each point it exits the member. As per diagram B7

    The harness shall be mounted using bolts of M12 grade 8.8 or 7/16 UNF or to manufacturers specification.

    A harness mounting transverse member shall not impede the cross-bar requirements

    The minimum mounting points are; – One for each pillar of the front roll bar, – One for each pillar of the lateral roll bars or half lateral roll bars, – One for each pillar of the main roll bar, – One for each backstay.


    Each mounting point for the main roll bar shall consist of a minimum of 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 100cm2 and at least one dimension of 75mm.

    Each mounting point for the back stays shall consist of a minimum 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 60cm2 and at least one dimension of 55mm.

    Each plate shall be a single piece and fully welded on all edges.


    As an alternative to welding reinforcement plates to the chassis of the vehicle, mounting point of the roll cage structure may be fitted with a mounting foot bolted through the floor to a lower plate. The lower plate may either be welded to the car body or a single piece. The lower plate must be of the same size or larger than the mounting plate.

    Each mounting point for the main roll bar shall consist of a minimum of 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 100cm2 and at least one dimension of 75mm.

    Each mounting point for the back stays shall consist of a minimum 3mm steel plate with a minimum area of 60cm2 and at least one dimension of 55mm.

    All fasteners must be a minimum M8 grade 8.8 with either a self-locking nut or standard nut with spring washer.

    Main roll bar mounting plates must have a minimum of three fasteners, with an angle between each bolt at no less than 60° apart, measured at the tube axis at the level of the mounting foot circumference.

    Each mounting plate for the backstays must have a minimum of two fasteners. If two fasteners are used, then the angle between each bolt shall be no less than 180° apart. If three fasteners are used then the angle between each bolt shall be no less than 60° apart, measured at the tube axis at the level of the mounting foot circumference.

    17 NOTES

    These guidelines are based on both local and international guidelines. These guidelines will be enforced, where required, to ensure the safety and continuity of D1WA drift events and its participants.

    Roll cages not adhering to these requirements outlined above will not be approved by D1WA for passenger use at D1WA events. It is preferential that any questions regarding these requirements should be directed to D1WA at, prior to construction or purchase. Where necessary D1WA has the right to request static load tests as detailed in FIA Appendix J, Article 277.

    D1WA reserves the right to decline approval for a cage if the scrutineering team or event manager are not satisfied with its construction, installation or presentation. The decision will be made on the premise of safety first and until the issues raised have been rectified, no passenger will be allowed in that vehicle at any D1Wa events.