As the year comes to an end for drifters, D1WA looked back to the beginnings and invited the founding President, Patrick Coetzer, to the final event of the year held at Jacks Hill. In true Christmas spirit D1WA handed over the keys to the club car to Patrick for the day as a thank-you for all the hard work and effort he put in over the years. Despite not having drifted in roughly 5 years it only took one warmup lap before he was on form and shredding the tyres, much to the delight of the many officials that scored passenger laps with him.
The drivers were smoking up the track all day with 25 drivers entered in the morning session and 20 drivers in the arvo. Needless to say, Zac from Mobile Tyre Tech was busy keeping them all super stoked with fresh rubber and of all the tyres he dealt with, no one kept him as busy as Chris Day that tore up 28 and took a record number of passengers out in his street driven 370z.
Being the last event, the focus was more on fun than competition although there was a pair of 18×10.5 wheels thanks to Showtime Accessories up for grabs for best Xmas themed car and/or driver. Carla and Ashlee decorated the club car without holding back and it was easily the best but the award was for an entered driver which left Jake Ober, Ken Worroll and Austin Edwards vying for the prize. Between the only 3 drivers that agree dressing up isn’t only for the Xmas turkey it was decided that the win and wheels went to Austin Edwards with both his Xmas themed shirt on as well as his Christmas red BMW flaunting a tree strapped to the roof.
Rodney Raffa was forgiven for not having any decorations on his BMW after a beastly effort to change his engine out twice and convert to turbo in just 4 DAYS!! Raffa gave it a red hot crack that produced only a small fire as the turbo charger was melting his plastic rocker covers, which he changed twice but without a 3rd spare had to call it a day putting in only a few, but certainly epic, runs.