This is the behavioural guidelines expected of all D1WA membership holders, officials and volunteers.
Please read it carefully,
This CoC (Code of Conduct) contains the D1WA guidelines and expectations of our members and people officially representing D1WA at any time or in any place including,
- D1WA events such as social or competition events
•At all events when representing D1WA.
•At all times when you are representing D1WA as a competitor/official/member.
Understand the purpose of the rules of competition.
Always comply with the D1WA rules of competition.
Be co-operative and understanding in the interpretation and application of rules or any penalties.
Keep informed of any rule changes
Ensure behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sporting behaviour. Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all competitors/officials/other members.
Ensure the “spirit” of competition is maintained.
Avoid the use of derogatory language on gender or race.
Place the safety and welfare of the other participants above all else.
Be a positive role model in behaviour and personal appearance.
Competitors are responsible for their own conduct as well as the conduct of any person associated with them, such as, pit crews, vehicle owners, sponsors etc.
Treat the D1WA officials, volunteers and or staff with the highest respect
Avoid arguing with an official. If you disagree with a ruling, quietly check with the official on how the decision is reached.
Control your temper. Verbal and physical abuse of officials, staff and or other competitors, or officials and deliberately distracting or provoking others, is not acceptable or permissible behaviour.
Do not interfere with, bully, or take advantage of any other participant.
No License holder may discriminate, directly or indirectly, against any official, staff and or fellow competitors.
Discrimination may include, but is not limited to, discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sex, ethnic or social origin, colour, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture, language or marital status.
Members/officials/volunteers are required to abide by the Rules and regulations set down by D1WA and any sanctioning body (eg CAMS or Racers insurance) Members/officials/volunteers are required to abide by the Rules and regulations of any operator of facilities used by the D1WA (eg collie motorplex) Members/officials/volunteers should leave the facilities in the condition that they found them in as far as is reasonably practicable.
All pit bays should be clean and tidy, rubbish removed and any oil or fluid spills cleaned up.
Smoking is not permitted in public viewing areas or near vehicles in the pit area. All smokers should move well clear of public areas and any vehicles. See track officials for designated smoking areas.
All cigarette butts should be fully extinguished and disposed of in rubbish bins or ashtrays.
Members/officials/volunteers are reminded that when participating in activities relating to drifting they are representing the D1WA.
Behaviour deemed to be unacceptable by either the club president or the D1WA Board may result in disciplinary action.
D1WA understands that many competitors choose to participate in online communities and create or share content. We recognise the benefits of using blogs and other social media tools (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin etc) not only as a form of self- expression, but also sometimes to conduct other activities. It is important that all members/officials/volunteers are aware of the implications of engaging in forms of social media and online conversations that reference D1WA, it’s staff, competitors, sponsors etc. D1WA expects members/officials/volunteers to understand that behaviour in online social media there is a big difference in speaking “on behalf of D1WA” and speaking “about” D1WA. The following refer to those personal or unofficial online activities where you might refer to D1WA, be it during or outside of a race event or social activity.
Have fun, but be smart.
Approach the online world in the same way as we do the physical one by using sound judgment and common sense, and critically by ensuring you adhere to D1WA’s policies around privacy, discrimination, harassment, and confidentiality. Remember never to disclose non-public information about D1WA.
Act in alignment with our culture our guiding principles.
Follow and give clear guidance as to what is acceptable and what is not.
Swear words (heavy & common) are not to be used when referring to any member/official/volunteer or the club or its venues, sponsors or associated groups/people.
Abuse, insults and personal attacks directed at members/officials/volunteers, particularly from other sites, forum moderators or clubs are unacceptable. There is no grey area here. It is when a negative statement is directed towards another person.
If you disagree with someone’s point or view, do not resort to name calling or personal attacks. There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other members/officials/volunteers, in a manner which is offensive.
There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations. Publication of comment, detail and images of serious racing incidents at any D1WA event is strictly prohibited prior to completion of investigation.
You are responsible for your actions anything you post that can potentially tarnish D1WA members/officials/volunteers reputation will ultimately be your responsibility. Obviously this is a difficult thing to specify and monitor, so if you are unsure about whether or not something you say or do could be deemed as a breach of the CoC, don’t say it or don’t do it.
Be on the lookout for compliments or criticism in social media, tag members of the committee to make us aware of it but please do not respond on behalf of the club. As members/officials/volunteers you are one of our most vital assets for monitoring the social media landscape on behalf of D1WA. If you come across positive or negative remarks about D1WA or its associates that you believe are important please make us aware.
Be aware, the internet is permanent! Once information is posted online, it is essentially part of a permanent record, even if you “remove/delete” it later or attempt to make it anonymous. Modern technology means that there is always a risk that your posts can reappear to be traced at any time.
Drivers must practice, qualify and compete in full ankle to wrist racing suit on competition days. Work style overalls will not be accepted during competion. Once competition is completed drivers and passengers may wear suitable long sleeve tops and pants or as outlined in general rules and regulations. At this time work style overalls are encouraged for drivers and passengers.
We encourage members/officials/volunteers to wear a D1WA branded shirt to social events and remain presentable while representing the club.
Drivers will need follow the safety rules of the track at which they are competing. In addition to that, D1WA requires all drivers to:
- ØØ Always have axle stands supporting a vehicle when it is raised from the ground (2 for front, 2 for rear) if any person is carrying out works or repairs under the car.
- ØØ Chock the front wheels of the vehicle before you jack up the rear of a vehicle.
- ØØ Ensure no vehicle is to be driven above walking pace (10kph) in the pit area unless otherwise signposted.
- ØØ A fire extinguisher should kept nearby when dispensing fuel into a vehicle.
- ØØ Keep pit area clean and tidy to minimise the risk of spectator/driver/officials
tripping or falling.
- ØØ Clean up any fluids spilt with absorbent powder or granules available from
D1WA track officials.
- ØØ Put all rubbish in bins provided. If bin is full, please make D1WA track
officials aware. If item is too big to fit in the wheelie bins provided, ask for
further direction from a D1WA track official.
ØØTake all waste tyres, oils car parts etc with you from the track at the
completion of your day.
- ØØ Not exit a vehicle while on the track unless the car is on fire or the driver is in
danger or being injured by staying inside the vehicle.
- ØØ Respect any request made of you by the track staff or D1WA officials.
- ØØ Treat track amenities like they were your own. Leave them in a tidy manner.
As always, failure to adhere to the rules and policies may result in disciplinary action that may range from a warning to termination of your membership.
It is very important that when referring to D1WA or its members/officials/volunteers in the social media space as covered above, you do not directly or indirectly put yourself in a position where such failure to comply may be assumed.
This Code of Conduct, binds all D1WA members/officials/volunteers. It is a requirement of the D1WA club that anyone wishing to participate as a driver/official/volunteer that these conditions are accepted.